“If you’re looking to secure your dog on the road, without the expensive tag or Fuzz of a Bulky Plastic Box- My dog Crate- This ingenious device is made just for you!”

Limited Time Offer: 40% off EasyBuckle All-In-One Dog Seatbelt Set

I’m making a quick assumption. If I am wrong, I hope you’ll read the rest of this article anyway…

If am right, well, I’m clearly an statistical wizard.

If you’re reading this, chances are, your dog is in danger…

I know this, because the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. you know, The government agency, the ones whose motto is “people saving people”.

Well, they determined that 90% of dog owners/parents do not restrain their dogs on the road. And honestly, is not difficult to see why.

Let me Explain…

You see, up to recently, my dog, “Bella” Ruled the back seat of my car.

As you know, in case of an accident, this can be fatally dangerous for Bella, myself and everyone else in the car.

That said, restraining Bella, regretfully, was a thought that didn’t pop into my head by choice…

I don’t know about your dog, but mine is fierce about protecting her turf! And her turf includes
every-and-all sidewalks on route to any destination.

In one of her many protective frenzies, she began to scramble, side to side-barking, hairs up, tail wagging, ready to go.

trying to snap her out of it, I screamed
“Bella, stop”,with a firm tone.

but she kept on. I looked back once more to chant- ”B.E.L.L…”-however, not a word came out, as I couldn’t believe my eyes!

One minute, Bella was pacing on the back seat. The next, I’m watching in horror as half of her body is hanging by a treat-WHILE WE WERE MOVING!

In panic, making sure not to make any sudden movements;
I jammed my knees below the steering wheel. And reached as far back as my fingertips allowed.

I grabbed a hold of her collar and yanked…hard… with all my might…

I yanked so hard in fact, I had to hurt her. I had too, but at least my risky stunt was successful, and she was back in the car.

Racing to the pet ER, Nurse Mark (name changed to protect his identity), came out, and got to work.

”so what do we have here”

said mark, while gently pressing Bella’s torso.

I gasped in embarrassment as I spilled the beans…

“Do you realize how lucky you were?”

I nodded…

“Cases like yours are all too common round here”

I blinked as it started to dawn on me, just what Mark was saying…

You see, according to Nurse mark, in his clinic alone, at least two dogs a week are treated for car-Related-injuries.


Some even jump out of their owner’s cars in panic to never be seen again.

And Here’s The Deal:

Remember When I said, “up to recently, my dog ruled…”, Well, frustrated, I decided to do what you would probably do in my situation and snatched a dog crate on my way out.

I gave it a shot right away too. I lured a shaky Bella in, placed the crate on the trunk. and off I went.

It did not take long for Bella to voice her displeasure, loudly! -Picture chalk on blackboard levels of pain-but I figured, “this is a modest price to pay for safety & peace of mind”

And That’s what made the idea of a “crate” SO appealing to me- it was supposed to protect and inspire confidence in seconds.

But here is the problem

If you’re over 18-year-old, are on the go, or don’t have a full size SUV, dog crates are pretty much pointless.

Seriously. For the First two weeks, everything was fine. But soon after that, Bella was reluctant to get in. I had no space in the trunk. And even developed a chronic back ache.

Nothing about it seemed to work right…

Borderline. In the brief experience, the truth is:

Your crate could be top of the line-mine was $150 btw- But, if your dog can’t stand being trapped, it won’t matter. If it’s inconvenient, you won’t care to use it. And If it’s expensive you won’t be able to buy it.

And that’s not even the worst part…

Was “Bella” REALLY safe while I was driving?

I had my doubts. YES! she was restrained and SURE she won’t fly out of car window any time soon…

But, Think about this! Last time I clipped the gate open, I witnessed Bella racing out like a frantic rabbit. that was not odd,she truly hated that crate.

What was odd… was the cookie-crumble-blood trail that shadowed her.

Surprise! Surprise! Her snout got slashed harder than a chopping board at a high-roller’s kitchen.

I couldn’t accept it! little pieces of her skin were still slugged on the iron rail.

Furious, I pressed her nose firmly to pause the stream; and rushed her to the pet ER. AGAIN!

I Wasted no time and yelled “mark” as he walked across the hall way.

He smiled and said “you again, the acrobat?”

shaking my head I replied: “yeah, the acrobat”

“what do we have now?” said mark

I gasped in embarrassment-only three weeks had gone by since I last visited mark- and said “it was the bloody gate, no pun intended”

He checked her right away. Thankfully, I was relieved as it looked worse than what it truly was.

“False alarm! everything under control, acrobat”

Now, the more mark and I talked, the friendlier we got. But, when I told him that I had Bella on a crate, mark told me I was pretty much SOL. (Sure out of luck…)

“Physics, man” he said.” So yeah, sometimes all dog crates & barriers do, is provide another surface for your dog to crash into ”.

“On the past, devices such as crates were used to transport animals on airplanes, then some “clever retailer” adapted it for vehicle use, and it catched on”

I couldn’t believe it…

How can they do that? I asked.

He shrugged, as if to say, Corporate America.

Furious, but not completely surprised, I asked mark “what options do I have then? I don’t want to be in a situation like this EVER again.”

Mark smiled and held one finger in the air as he walked out of the room. In silence, he returned with a small orange device, clipped it in Bella’s harness and dusted off his hands with a “watch this” smirk on his face.

“You didn’t get this from me, man” he said (as he is not allowed to blow the whistle on any product.)

“It’s called easy buckle. This all-in-one ingenious device minimizes the risk of injury, on and off the road.”

Nearly speechless, I thanked Mark for his amazing gift.

he only had one thing to say:

“hope to never see Bella again”

What is it? and how does it work?

EasyBuckle is WagLatch’s answer to caring dog parents just like you & me. It’s the only device on the market that allows you to secure your dog without compromises.

it’s quick to set up too. Seriously! all you have to do is:

Step 1. Let your pup hop in the back.

Step 2. Clip the black-metal-hook to their harness.

Step 3. Clip the silver-steel-Latch to any car’s Seat Belt Slot.

And… you’re on your way. It REALLY is that simple.

Result:your dog is restrained, comfortable, and under control... while you get to drive without distractions or disturbances.

Not only that, but its ingenious design combines the utility/familiarity of a dog leash with the ruggedness of a seatbelt.

It’s fantastic! packed with features, meaning your dog is safe ON & OFF the road.

How Do You know if you Need EasyBuckle?

Well, the short answer is, if you have a dog, you need it…

In fact, a recent triple “A” (AAA)survey, showed that out of the owners who do not restrain their pups…

23% confessed to use their arms to shield while braking. Another 19% confessed taking one hand off the wheel to stop their dog from climbing on seats or windows. While 17% admitted to holding dogs in their laps while driving.

The remaining 41%, supposedly do not get “distracted” by their pets. Sure.

As you can imagine, In case of an accident, this can be fatally dangerous for your dog, yourself and everyone else in the car.

Now…Thousands of Americans are giving their pets a fighting chance with EASYBUCKLE!

Since it’s public debut, the EasyBuckle all-in-one has been constantly selling out! every time they get some in stock, it gets bought right up! people are spreading the word on Instagram & Tiktok….

Easy buckle is exclusively available on their website.

Many have tried to copy their design unsuccessfully, LEARN TO SPOT THE FAKES.

With Over 8500 5-star reviews, it was time to see if it lived up to the hype

So, I followed the directions, which were super easy. Basically, all I really needed to do was to clip “Bella” in. Which my 7-year-old son handled anyways. He loves the CLICKY-ClUCK metal-to-metal sound of the Seatbelt Buckling!

Total setup time: 10 seconds? maybe less if you are quick on the trigger.

AS I WAS SAYING, it’s time to see if this thing really lives up to nurse Mark’s hype…

I won’t lie, When I held easy buckle in my hands for the first time I was quite skeptical. but after just a couple of trips, I was blown away.

Without a doubt, a Game-changer. It is the only dog seatbelt that gives me all the confidence I need to bring “Bella” on the road. And believe me, I did my research.

Remember the crate ordeal? Well, out went the bulky crate. THAT’S RIGHT! I don’t need it anymore. better? Bella got her confidence back.

You should see her now! she can’t even be bothered.

It is fantastic! you see, to Bella, EasyBuckle seems just like an ordinary leash. In other words, your dog will wag his tail every single time you buckle him up. trust me. Night and day.

Bella even stopped running out of the car when I open the door (not that she could, even if she wanted to anyways).

By the way, EasyBuckle is made using Military grade X-waved-nylon, I could go on and on about its toughness… but here’s what you need to know right now, It passed the 3000lb test.

Best part? it has multi layered 100% reflective coating, and when they say 100%, they mean it. I conducted a quick test, I pointed my phone’s flash light directly at it, but do me a favor, take my word for it!

I was blinded for couple of minutes. It is impossible for cars to miss me or bella.

More importantly, every EasyBuckle comes standard with a unique impact reduction cord…

At this point you might be thinking… what is that?

Have you seen daredevils free fall with an elastic cord strapped to their feet and wonder how they made it alive?

This works the same way. It reduces whiplash during breaking. And Believe me, I already put it through its paces.

The best part? -When Bella pulls on the leash I can barely feel a thing. the combination between the cushion-handle and the force reduction cord keeps my wrists and elbows free of sudden jerks.

OH! I almost forgot. The traffic handle is perfect for keeping Bella safe close to my hip.

No one can budder her without my permission anymore.

And pro-tip, the metal ring is handy for poop bags.

WagLatch is a well-known U.S. Company in the pet care industry.

To date, WagLatch’s EasyBuckle has been tried and tested by 1000’s of dog parents/owners worldwide.

I did a ton of research, and all the reviews are favorable; far better than other dog seat belts at this price range.

How Much Does It Cost? (And…Is It Worth It?)

The price? EasyBuckle typically sells for around $50 with a customer satisfaction guarantee; which is more than worth it. Especially, if you consider the fact that most crates cost in the $100 range. but that is not even the best part… it is possible to pick up EasyBuckle for less!

Right now, WagLatch is running a 40% off sale on their official site! (So you get the only device that allows you to secure your dog ON & OFF the road) for only $30! about the price of an ordinary leash… You can’t beat that value!

I am not sure how long this will last, so it's definitely smart to jump on the promotion right away.

I was so surprised to see the sale, that I went ahead and ordered 3 more…1 for my parents’ dog Susan, and two for Brad and Lincoln (my sister’s pups). I know they’ll appreciate it as is likely to sell out at any time.

Below I’m sharing a coupon link where I got my family EasyBuckles for 40% percent off!

Yes! I want 40%OFF Now!


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